Double figures

10 weeks in – some of which has even been spent training – 6 weeks to the big day!

London has been delighting us all with its interpretation of Spring – namely sub-zero temperatures and the threat of snow.

Equally unexpected were the scales, which informed me I was now 14 stone – gosh!

While considerably lighter I still don’t fancy hauling that up a mountain and will continue the diet. I have jumped on the current bandwagon in weight loss and am trying the ‘fast’ diet – my cycling may not be, but my diet is.

In other news, like many a Conservative MP before me, I have purchased a gimp mask. A bit like the other auto-asphyxiation Tory favourite, the orange, but with less vitamin C, this will apparently help in preparation for the altitude. Regardless, I have had it delivered to my mothers house, so it will be worth the money just to see her face 🙂

In order to celebrate 10 weeks the idea was to try and get up Swains Lane ten times – I failed at the first attempt, running out of time due to a puncture. Chris, however, stormed nine climbs and would have cruised the 10 if he hadn’t been held up waiting to find I had a flat – respect!

The next day I set off alone and in true Spinal Tap style my 10 climbs went up to 11 – never been the best at counting. It felt good and as if I could crack on, however, I had to swing off into the icy rain and driving head wind to go and relieve my long-suffering parents from my children…

On Strava – 91.6 miles, climbing 5,427′ | Off Strava – 1.9 miles | Turbo trainer – 1 hour 45 mins

Nicely combining cycling with Carter USM who were mentioned in the previous post, Fruitbat’s  other band, Abdoujaparov ( have a new single out today – well, there you have it…